Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our Night At the Museum

We enjoyed a multi-family sleepover at the Boston Museum of Science this past weekend. The theme of the newest exhibit is "Baseball As America." As we are such big baseball fans and love this museum, we were thrilled to have the opportunity to participate. We were assigned to the dinosaur area for our campsite, and we slept in the shadows of the T-Rex. She protected us all night, and we swear that we saw her move a few times.There was an awesome demonstration called "Home Run Science" and my youngest got chosen to go up front as an assistant. He is riding in a red wagon that is being pulled by the forces of wind and rotation. I learned so much from that scientist who had all kinds of giant gadgets to demonstrate physics. His joy and enthusiasm were contagious. Many "Aha!" moments for me. Good thing we squeezed it in before Learn Nothing Day!!

And here we are getting ready to crash for the night. They had us going until midnight before the lights went out. Throwing baseballs and measuring their speed, watching a 95mph fastball from behind a catcher's mask, perusing very cool artifacts and memorabilia...the other families were very cool, and everyone seemed to enjoy the unique magic of the museum after hours. It was a night to remember.
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Filling in the Blanks and random photos

Since I cannot seem to form very many sentences of my own lately, I have decided to resort to an old favorite, the Friday Fill-In. I kind of miss blogging, and maybe this will jumpstart me to a new beginning.

1. Birthdays are very fun celebrations at our house. Middle boy is celebrating his 1/2 birthday next weekend as he decided he would like a summer party. A Star Wars cake and laser tag party are in the works!

2. I can't decide which season is my favorite season because they each bring their own unique joys and celebrations. I love camping and beaching in the summer, the beauty and coolness of fall, winter snow, and the relief of spring.

3. I feel my best when my boys are happy and our whole family is together enjoying the outdoors. And when I am exercising and taking care of myself. And when I am sharing time with my mom. All those things make me feel relaxed.

4. A lovely fresh garden salad with egg and homemade dressing is my favorite food!

5. First impressions are maybe more important than they should be, but they are often telling.

6. The best piece of advice I ever received was to trust my own instincts as a mother. I got it from LaLeche League and it has resonated throughout my motherhood.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a family sleepover at the Museum of Science in Boston, tomorrow my plans include more museum fun, exercise, and rest and Sunday, I want to garden and play at the beach!